Tuesday, April 7, 2009


7th April, '09

Peace, oh delusive peace!
cleanse my mirror once more,
no holes left to bore,
give me my due release.

Untie my mind's eye,
unhook my hindsight,
I'm ready for my flight,
take me ever so high.

Of passion there's no dearth,
with reason, I could do more,
I hear your enchanting lure,
so what's left to unearth.

Whisper to me tonight,
dream my dreams for me,
teach me how to be,
a bird in mid-flight.


  1. 'A bird in mid-flight'. Its so incidental, i was watching a seagull in mid air, last weekend by the shores of hudson bay, suspended and calm. And before i wondered what that would be like i experienced for the slighest moment, the flight of the bird. ...and now... i see that was peace. i love how powerful this beckoning is..

  2. Wow!! Can almost picture you sitting there and watching the bird, with that calm serene smile on your face :) I always feel you have found your peace deep within :D
